[an error occurred while processing this directive] Vermont - Average Distance to Nearest Airport

Vermont - Average Distance to Nearest Airport

This page presents statistics and a map.
See information on how and why they were computed.

35.27 mi. = mean distance of a person to his or her nearest major airport
Percent of population within a given distance of a major airport:
PercentileDistance (mi.)
10th percentile3.39
25th percentile14.84
50th percentile (median)33.30
75th percentile56.77
90th percentile61.08

This map displays the major airports in and around Vermont. It shows how the state can divided according to which airport is the closest as the crow flies.

The flags are a sample of 183 census tracts (of 183 tracts total) within the state.

On the above map, some census tract flags may look like they are colored for one airport's region but are actually in another airport's region. The census tract flags are colored with which airport they are closest to as the crow flies along the surface of the earth (the Haversine distance formula). The region boundaries that are displayed on map were computed assuming assuming the earth is flat. (The lines that divide regions are a Voronoi diagram, and I couldn't find any algorithm that calculate the lines on a sphere such as the earth.) In short, although a few census tracts may look like they're mislabeled near a boundary, it's actually the boundary that is slightly wrong.

625,741 = total population of Vermont
Table of most useful airports: (i.e., the airports that are the closest major airport for the most people)
Airport Code Number of People for whom this is their closest airport
Burlington International AirportBTV497,004
Manchester-Boston Regional AirportMHT62,742
Albany International AirportALB61,668
Bradley International AirportBDL4,327


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Thanks for the Maps Icons Collection http://mapicons.nicolasmollet.com for the icons used in the embedded map image above.
© Mark Pearson 2012